Personalized training to fast-track your success 

High Ticket Sales Consulting Intensive 🚀

Why waste money sinking funds into a long, drawn-out high ticket sales guru course? Stop wasting your precious time and choose a one-to-one high ticket sales consulting day.

This is a high-octane, one-day accelerator crafted for creators and business owners who want to sell high-ticket offers without resorting to pushy, high pressure sales tactics.

If you’re a creator or business owner who wants sell premium offers and your turned off by the Wolf of Wall Street vibe, keep reading👇

The problem

Conventional guru sales advice just isn’t cutting it.

Congrats! So you’ve decided to dive into selling high-ticket offers. You’ve read Alex Hormozi’s “$100M Offers” and Russell Brunson’s “Dotcom Secrets”, maybe even started a ClickFunnels account (yuck) and begun attracting leads from paid ads or your own content. And that’s when the growing pains kick in.

You find yourself frantically gearing up for a sales call, your mind screaming, “How on earth am I going to prepare for this sales call on Thursday?”. So you seek advice from your ClickFunnels bro, and you’re handed the legendary “Sam Ovens 7-Figure Sales Script”.

So you jump on the sales call and you can feel your heart racing after your pitch. When you drop the “$10,000” bombshell and follow it up with that awkward 5-second power pause, you’re met with the cringeworthy, “This seems like all the other offers out there. So, what sets you apart?”

Even worse, they feed you the cliché, “I need to think about it,” and you never hear back from them again. After hours crying in the bathroom, it hits you: you can’t figure out why people aren’t buying from you.

So what’s blocking your path to high ticket sales mastery?

Symptom 1

Binge watching sales guru advice is killing your confidence.

So you’re embarrassed by your <30% close rate and you might believe you’re terrible at sales and start seeking help.

Before you know it, you’re drowning in the sea of sales guru advice on YouTube, TikTok, or IG, getting re-targetted by Cole Gordon, Jeremy Miner, Dan Lok, and throwing random tips at the wall – only to find that it backfires and fails miserably.

Is the issue really your sales skills? Could it be that your offer isn’t compelling enough? Or is it that you’re targeting people who aren’t right for your product? There are so many factors in play. So what’s the real reason why people aren’t buying?

Symptom 2

You’re getting deja vu from hearing the same objections.

Are you tired of hearing, “I can’t afford it,” or “Let’s touch base in six months?” Or are you spending hours “overcoming objections”? Yet, no matter how much you try to persuade with the benefits of your offer, it feels like you just can’t create enough “urgency” for them to commit.

After countless calls, you’re left thinking, “This offer is a no-brainer! Are these people just stupid?”. You feel frustrated, knowing there’s money left on the table from not closing these deals. Even worse? You’re burning time and money trying to figure it all out.

Is it the video sales letter, sales page, or application that’s off? Is your sales script weak, or are your objection handling skills lacking? Or are you even attracting or speaking to the right audience? What’s the root cause of these objections?

Symptom 3

You hate selling, and it shows.

Ten minutes before a meeting, and Google gives you a friendly reminder about your sales call.

Do feel like you’re about to jump out of a plane every time you have to ask for a sale? Or even worse, are you secretly relieved when your client cancels the call?

Old-school high pressure sales techniques like “assuming the sale” might have worked in the 60s, but today? It leaves you feeling more like a pushy car salesman than a trusted advisor. What if selling could be a joyful process, one that both you and your clients actually enjoy?

Symptom 4

Your offer is met with the underwhelming “that’s it?”

Your lead joins the Zoom room. It’s game time, and you’re ready to pitch an opportunity of a lifetime. Following the renowned Sam Ovens’ “7-Figure Sales Script”, you present your offer with high energy and crackhead enthusiasm. Then comes the price drop and that long, silent pause.

But instead of an enthusiastic “Yes, let’s do it!”, you get an underwhelming, “This sounds like every other offer. So what sets you apart?” The harsh truth? You’re not entirely sure. Is it your pitch? Do you need to revamp your offer? Why does your offer fail to impress?

Symptom 5

You’re working 24/7.

You’re working all the time. Worst of all? It feels like you’re going nowhere. You’re living the following routine every day: wake, caffeinate, text and email outreach, devour guru content, hyperventilate before sales calls, bomb the sales call, follow up, crash into bed, and cry yourself to sleep. Sound familiar?

If that’s not bad enough, work and burnout are leaching into your personal life, but you keep working because you feel like you have no other choice. You’re extending your core sales call hours, discounting your prices, and incessantly tweaking your sales script in search of high ticket success.

You keep telling yourself, “I need to keep working until figure this out”, but is this the best way? Is this what you signed up for? How much longer can you keep going like this for before quitting?

Symptom 6

You’re struggling to turn a profit, let alone grow.

The revenue needle refuses to budge, staying stagnant month after month. Meanwhile, your dwindling financial reserves are being consumed by ad spend, software subscriptions, and maybe even a payroll for appointment setters.

Living with your mom and nursing the wounds of quitting your stable six-figure job was not the entrepreneurial dream you had envisioned. Yes, you have a steady stream of calls coming in daily, but for some unfathomable reason, people aren’t buying your product — even though you know its value.

Despite knowing that you could (and should) be charging more, as others in your industry do, you’re still stuck. Books, guru videos and courses, you’ve consumed them all. Yet, the mystery remains: What’s holding you back? What else could you be missing?

Hi, I’m Kevin 👋

I’ve been exactly where you are.

Ever found yourself grappling with the challenges of high ticket sales? I can relate.

I left my six-figure pharmacist career to dive into the wild west of high ticket sales. From getting burned guru courses to the struggle of securing clients without any sales background, I’ve confronted every imaginable obstacle.

I’ve dealt with walking away from unethical sales tactics from your favorite ClickFunnels bro that felt dishonest, endured the dreaded PIP, and almost got terminated with my first contract. But later, I became a top 5 closer out of a pool of 50 salespeople and scaled the business to 8 figures, all thanks to reading almost every single sales book on Amazon.

But it’s not all sunshine and roses. I’ve had to make the difficult decision to fire a client solely fixed on “cash collected” and neglecting their client fulfillment – even if it meant my income going to zero. But that’s not all.

Shortly after, I made the leap to launching both my own high ticket offers and supported others to scale theirs. One of my proudest moments? Introducing a $50K high ticket concierge jiu jitsu offer.

Despite the odds, the rollercoasters of quitting my pharmacist career, the challenges of being a beginner in high ticket closing, scaling a business, reorganizing offers, and battling burnout, I’ve discovered a golden key that can save you from these hardships. A secret to grow your business with as few bumps as possible, and I can’t wait to share it with you.

5+ years as an inbound sales strategist, YouTuber, + digital marketing agency partner

Closed over $1.2 million high ticket offers within my first 10 months of inbound sales

Ranked as a top High Ticket Closing YouTuber with 3.2+ million channel views

The solution

Better relationships, better revenue.

The fact is, revenue is a side effect of cultivating great relationships – but, it isn’t easy.

What’s the golden question for beginners and business owners? “How can I make money fast?” But what if we’ve been asking the wrong question the entire time?

Don’t get me wrong. We all have responsibilities, and more money wouldn’t hurt. But consider this — what if we shift our focus to nurturing relationships instead of chasing after every potential sale? How would prioritizing quality relationships impact our bottom line?

Imagine selling high ticket offers so compelling that they practically sell themselves. How would it feel to have a consistent influx of high-ticket client referrals and no worries about monthly revenue? Dream clients like Mike Kim, Chris Do, Vanessa Lau, Ali Abdaal, Scott Oldford, and even the Hormozi’s don’t seem so unattainable.

All of this is possible with better sales conversations, offers, content, and a bulletproof process to land and keep them.


Rewire selling with neuroscience.

Let’s face it, traditional high-pressure selling experience isn’t enjoyable to the buyer or the seller. Don’t lie – you probably hate using them too. Not only do they contradict the neuroscience of influence, but it makes everyone anxious.

But what if we could eliminate the sales pressure completely and genuinely determine if we could help our prospects in the first place? What if our prospects shifted their view of us from being salespeople to trusted advisors?

Rather than driving a decision by force or manipulation, we can empower our clients to make decisions freely and independently. Suddenly those once “tough” deals, now effortlessly close themselves. And with the latest neuroscience research, we can do this at will.


Win over ideal clients with real content.

Building trust takes time. There’s no shortcut. This process involves creating evergreen content that instills brand trust and authenticity.

It’s about being transparent, respecting clients’ time, skipping the BS marketing tactics, and delivering on every promise you make. You no longer are dealing with leads who are financially strapped or who want to “pick your brain” just for information.

As you consistently offer value to the world, you’ll attract quality offers, allowing you to be selective with your clients. And your brand voice and values should be reflected through your sales page, video sales letters (VSL’s), application, and your sales conversations.


Create irresistible offers.

There’s nothing more soul-crushing than presenting an offer that you spent months on only to be met with a underwhelming “oh that’s it?” from your potential client.

Like Alex Hormozi says, the irresistibility of your offer can make or break your business. When you create an irresistible offer, you no longer need to rely on persuasion or sales skills to close a deal.

If you craft an offer that addresses your clients’ unspoken needs that they didn’t think of, those tough prospects open up because they feel understood and valued. Suddenly you no longer need a world class sales talent. Your offer sells itself, maximizing your revenue on each sales call. 


Deliver exceptional work.

There’s no short cut. Once the deal is closed, great clients expect great work.

Your conversation skills, the quality of your content, and your ability to meet deadlines all contribute to nurturing the client relationship. By delivering exceptional work, you’ll naturally attract more opportunities.

It might not happen immediately, but trust me, people gravitate towards those they can trust in this industry.

The Accelerator

Leverage my experience.

Alex Hormozi wisely stated, “the most expensive tax we pay is ignorance.

You are 1000% capable of navigating this path on your own. But if you don’t want to pay the tax of trial and error, my experience is here and available for you.

With over 4 years in the industry, I’ve played a crucial role in scaling multiple businesses, some to 6, 7, and even 8 figures. My process is built on tried and tested systems, strategies, and mindset principles rooted in neuroscience. I’m a pharmacist after all 💊

This is opportunity to not only learn from my mistakes, but a chance to leverage my experience so you don’t burn through your financial runway or miss any once-in-lifetime opportunities. Yes, either path won’t be easy, but with our intensive, just one optimization could make the difference between of a $10,000 and a $100,000 per month.

Unlike most “high ticket sales” programs, this is different. We focus on immediate benefits. Say goodbye to long-winded 12-16 week coaching programs. Within 48 hours, you’ll have irresistible offers, a refined sales process, and an optimized application process at your disposal.

This is not coaching; it’s high-level strategy consulting that syncs with your business, setting our High Ticket Sales Consulting Intensive apart from any other guru program on the market.

(Just 3 Spots Available… but seriously though. No fake scarcity BS here.)

The curriculum

What will be covered


Irresistible Offers 🤯

Forget persuasive skills, irresistible offers are your quickest ticket to boosting conversions by 2-3x.

We’ll help look at your current offers and revise an offer that effortlessly attracts and converts high-paying clients, pre-emptively handling objections before your clients even think of them. With a range of offers at your disposal, pricing will be a breeze. We’ll explore strategies like price anchoring and price bracketing, documenting your pricing.

The result? Maximizing your revenue on every single call. Imagine the potential of high ticket fixed and value-based pricing for your business, confidence, and quality of work.

TLDR; You’ll have a custom offer sheet brimming with irresistible offers.


Application Process 📄

In high ticket closing, 80% of the objection handling and selling occurs before the call.

It’s crucial to avoid wasting time with unqualified applicants, especially if you have a sales team to prevent turnover. Remember every slot where an unqualified lead book in could make the difference of a qualified leads who will “pay in full”.

A good application process, complete with a video sales letter, sales page, and application will transparently reveal the minimum level of engagement, solution timing, and breaks down the offer. It will reduce the frequency of objections such as “this is too expensive” or “I’ll start this in six months”.

Imagine the relief of knowing every call you take has a high probability of closing.

TLDR; You’ll have a streamlined application process with targeted questions to qualify the right leads.


Sales Conversations 💬

The days of pushy sales tactics are over.

With our neuroscience-backed methodology, we’ll eliminate sales pressure. By structuring the agenda for each stage of selling, we can seamlessly transition, making the conversation less awkward and more natural.

We’ll dissect your existing sales script, strategize responses to common objections, and customize a discovery and presentation process in your brand voice. By the end of the intensive, you’ll be equipped to surface challenges your clients didn’t even know they had, and present your irresistible offer in a way that not only makes them feel understood but excited to work with you.

Instead of forcing or manipulating decisions, we empower our clients to make decisions freely and independently. Imagine the impact of a sales process that does exactly that?

TLDR; You’ll have a customized sales process with objection handling on Notion.

So, what else is included in the high Ticket Sales Consulting Intensive?

Six 1-on-1 Support Sessions For 12 Weeks

As Mike Tyson famously said, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”

Intensives are helpful, but the reality is, things rarely go according to plan. That’s where having a trusted advisor pays off.

You’ll receive six 1-on-1 sessions with me to iron out any friction points within the sales process. Use them at your discretion as needed.

You’re no longer alone in the journey of high ticket sales. Tap into my expertise and, if a rare situation arises where I don’t have the answer, I can reach out to my network for the solution.

Access to my previous Authentic Selling Accelerator recordings (BONUS)

Think college – minus all the boring lectures.

Over 10 weeks, I delve into the high-level nuances of neuroscience, selling, objection handling, advanced pricing strategies, and systems and processes.

Each lecture spans 1-2 hours, blending best practices and personal experiences to ensure a balance of learning and laughter from my failed high ticket sales days and dating stories.

Access to my next LIVE Authentic Selling Accelerator (BONUS)

When I launch my next accelerator, you’ll receive a complimentary seat (limit to 5 clients).

Every week, I’ll impart my strategies live with every session recorded in case you can’t make it.

Due to the intimacy of this accelerator, I have to limit this to 5 students. My minimum level of engagement for this accelerator is $7,000 by itself.

The Testimonials

No fake testimonials here.

The results are as real as they get 💯

Working with Kevin has been a game-changer. Not only is Kevin an amazing teacher, but the holistic approach of neuroscience, call reviews, client matchmaking, and Kevin’s entertaining stories of his dating life have been instrumental in me already making positive changes, applying, and seeing results.

Kevin set me up with a client within the first week of completing the accelerator thanks to Kevin’s network. And by the third week, I made back my initial investment thanks to Kevin’s training.

I’ve done a few online programs out there, but this one is different. More than a coach, Kevin is a great friend often checking on me to see how I’m doing and I really appreciate that.

Sarah F.

Inbound Sales Professional

When I launched my agency, I was struggling with sales. Selling digital marketing is difficult because it’s competitive. So I started scrolling YouTube for help. That’s how I found Kevin; his sincerity and honesty resonated with me. Within the first month, Kevin not only cracked the code, but helped me increase the prices of my offers, build out a custom CRM, design premium proposals templates, and craft new value-based offers.

Something different about Kevin is his professionalism and unique experience. I personally never have to worry because he’s proactive and identifies risks and conflict threats with our clients. Kevin is more than a sales professional; he’s a partner for our agency, treating it like his own. But most of all, I’m happy to work with Kevin because we’ve become close friends over time.

Daisuke Miyashiro

Founder, GrowBiz Marketing

I’m actually Kevin’s jiu-jitsu coach at 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu HQ and Kevin is way better at inbound sales than he is at jiu-jitsu. Sorry, it’s the truth. I initially approached Kevin because I trusted him. At the time, I was doing private coaching and wanted to launch a high ticket offer, but had zero idea of how to do so. At first, he was like… “Are you sure this is something that you want to do?”. That’s what I respect about Kevin. He’s selective with his clients and committed to delivering results. Kevin is a super-connector and seems to know almost everyone in the industry.

The crazy thing? We actually launched a high ticket concierge jiu jitsu offer in two months and closed two clients at $2,000-$4,000 / month per client. That’s unheard of in jiu jitsu. Kevin not only helped me craft my sales page, application, and structure my sales calls.

As I was getting leads, I started getting some self-doubt. So I reached out to him for a last-minute meeting. He’s gone above and beyond like this numerous times. Sometimes when we talk it’s not even about sales, but it’s the inner battles of entrepreneurship that he helps me through. Launching this offer helped free up more time where I don’t feel like I need to coach people all the time. Best of all, I can actually enjoy training jiu jitsu myself again.

Patrick Donabedian

No-Gi Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Coach, 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu HQ

Zach Hing, High Ticket Sales Manager for Peaceful Profits

Victor Pazmino, Founder of Paz Media

Gideon Apon, Account Executive at Great Property Experience

Andrew Bradshaw, Former Account Executive at Email Composed + EmpireFlippers

(Just 3 Spots Available… but seriously though. No fake scarcity BS here.)

See real results in as little as one day.

Stop wasting your precious time into a long, drawn-out high ticket sales guru course. 

Slow and steady often wins the race. But business rewards swift, strategic action, and accountability.

The High Ticket Sales Consulting Intensive is designed to bring you tangible results—fast. Because in the race of commerce, time isn’t just money; it’s opportunities, growth, and success.

Don’t worry if you’re more tortoise than hare; lifetime access to the coaching materials ensures you can work at your pace. If you still need support post-program, we’ll discuss that.

But remember, even beyond our formal partnership, I’m here as a friend to lend a hand where I can.


🛑 Do not buy this program.

Invest in it. The concepts, strategies, and insights you’ll absorb demand your active participation and dedication. Real success, unlike instant noodles, can’t be cooked up overnight.

However, we guarantee your investment in the High Ticket Sales Consulting Intensive will save you more time, money, and effort in the long haul. I’ve weathered half a decade of trials and tribulations to bring you these strategies—I want to spare you the same.

Think of it this way: you can’t pay someone to do your pushups, but a good trainer will keep you from injury.

So if I introduce a new concept, are you willing to put your best foot forward and be open to trying it? Or if you bomb your first call, are you committed enough to not quit completely at your first sign of failure? So, when you face challenges or even failure, will you back down, or will you show up stronger?

Rest assured, I’m here to pick you up if you stumble. So if you’re ready to take your business to the next level, it’s time to commit.

Total Accelerator Graduates

Jam-Packed Lectures

1-on-1 Coaching Calls

Hours of Content

Are you ready for the High Ticket Sales Consulting Intensive?

The High Ticket Sales Consulting Intensive isn’t for everyone. But if find yourself checking off these boxes, we’d love to see you in the intensive.

  • You prefer authentic strategy over “get rich quick” schemes and sales gurus advice.
  • You have an existing high ticket offer with some successful “proof of concept” sales.
  • You’re generating inbound leads for your business via paid media, content, or referral strategy.
  • You don’t have any of the qualifications above, are new to high ticket sales, want to build a high ticket offer, but also understand that immediate ROI is unlikely in this case.
  • You’re open-minded and willing to embrace new strategies (even radically new ones).
  • You’re ready to learn my sales process from my (admittedly) failed dating life and mistakes made with high ticket sales.

(Just 3 Spots Available… but seriously though. No fake scarcity BS here.)


Frequently Asked Questions

How long is this program?

The intensive spans one day, totaling 5 hours, with 12 weeks of support including six 1-on-1 calls.

How does the intensive work?

The goal of the intensive is to drive massive action within a short amount of time unlike most 12-16 week coaching programs. So why waste time?

We’ll tackle sales, offers, and applications, customizing the timing to your convenience. Recordings and transcripts will be provided. Within seven business days, your deliverables such as sales scripts, offer sheets, and application questions will be ready.

Post-intensive, the 12 weeks of support will aid your transition to the new sales process. You can share any setbacks that you’re having as you’re transitioning to the new sales process. After the intensive if you want continuous support, we can talk more about that, but only if it’s helpful.

There’s also a kickoff orientation call to get you started along with six additional one-on-one on-demand coaching calls.

You’ll also be a part of a WhatApp chat community with your fellow cohort members. You’ll get to connect with me along with peers for advice, guidance, accountability, warm referrals for clients, and much more.

How many intensive clients do you currently take?

Given the intensive nature, I accept a maximum of four clients monthly.

I currently run my YouTube channel, manage my inbound sales accounts for 7-8 figure businesses, and I’m a partner at a digital marketing agency. My hands a pretty full so I can’t take on too many students at once.

What I’ve found is, I’d rather serve the few rather than the many. Also, I chose to work with people I genuinely enjoy being around. Coaching is pretty intimate so I’m selective about who I work with and who I don’t.

How do I know this is right for me?

Honestly, you can’t know for sure. That’s why I review every application carefully and speak to every applicatant personally, striving to foster successful relationships. If you’re struggling with selling high ticket offers, achieving revenue targets, getting organized, or simply building the business you’ve dreamed of, you’re likely in the right place.

How much does it cost?

The intensive costs $12,000 for 12 weeks. For annual support including a quarterly intensive, the fee is $25,000.

Understandably, not everyone can afford this investment. But for those I can help, the experience can be transformative.

Most high-end courses are over 10K. Jeremy Miners NEPQ Inner Circle is $14K. Cole Gordon’s is $6K. I’m definitely “breaking” the high ticket sales rule by disclosing the price but I want to jump straight to the point.

Eventually, we’ll be increasing our minimum level of engagement to $10,000. I understand that this isn’t affordable to everyone. But for the few that I can help, it can be life-changing.

This program is not cheap. What gives?

I understand that this isn’t affordable to everyone. For the few that I can help, it can be life-changing. The price reflects the value you’ll receive—strategies honed over years, relationships nurtured, trust earned. For those who prefer self-learning, a free high ticket closing course is available here. But if you see the value of boosted confidence, increased respect, higher conversions, and maximized revenue, then let’s talk. The investment is significant, but so are the outcomes.

All this said, if the cost of High Ticket Intensive is 10% of your annual income or more and you have less than two months of financial runway, this is not for you. This program is for those who have the time and money to invest.

What kind of results can you guarantee?

Remember – this is a done-with-you program, not done for you. And plus any “earnings claims” are pretty illegal as well. As this is a done-with-you program, the results rest on your commitment. Success isn’t guaranteed, but your growth is. This program is designed to help you avoid the common pitfalls I’ve faced, and provide support through your journey.

But we believe so strongly in our approach that we’re offering an irresistible guarantee to give you complete peace of mind.

If you don’t achieve a minimum revenue of $35,000 during our collaborative journey, we commit to extending our support for an extra three months until you reach this goal.

To qualify for this guarantee, certain conditions must be met:

  • You bring in a minimum of 20 qualified appointment bookings per month with at least an 80% show up rate.
  • Your high ticket offer is at least $5,000.
  • You’ve fully utilized your coaching sessions within the initial 12-week period.
  • You demonstrate active implementation of our strategies.
  • All sales calls with potential clients are recorded.
  • Revenue calculation includes both collected revenue and future revenue from payment plans.
  • Qualified appointment booking is a prospect who schedules an appointment and fits your ideal customer profile.

This guarantee is our pledge to your success. We’re confident in the strategies we teach and are committed to seeing you thrive in your high ticket sales journey.


(Just 3 Spots Available… but seriously though. No fake scarcity BS here.)

The Application